What is Alchemy
What is Alchemy?
Alembic Coterie
Organizational Alembic
Alchemical Potential Quiz
The Kaisers
Kevin and Leanne
The Kaisers
Our Clients
What is Alchemy
What is Alchemy?
Alembic Coterie
Organizational Alembic
Alchemical Potential Quiz
The Kaisers
Kevin and Leanne
The Kaisers
Our Clients
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Mapping Tendencies
Explores leadership tendencies.
Core Tools
13 tools exploring each element of alchemical transformation.
Collaboration & Autonomy
Explains why the best cultures become more collaborative and more autonomous—at the same time.
Intuitive Colloquy
Explores intuitive conversation.
Alchemy of Context
Describes the power of context in alchemical transformation.
Alchemy of Scripting
Script the life you most desire.
13 Elements: Team as Organism
Applies the 13 elements of alchemy to teams.
Alchemy of Happiness
Describes a few small shifts that will help you live in greater bliss.
Myth of Work-Life Balance
Letting go of expectations around work-life balance.
Circumstance and Relationship
Another tool in the “Alchemy of Context” series.